The Healing Garden Exhibit
An exhibit of drawings by members of the Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society

Time & Location:
Mar 27, 2023, 6:00 PM – May 07, 2023, 12:00 PM
Rodef Shalom Congregation Lobby, 4905 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Exhibit runs March 27 through May 7, 2023
Rodef Shalom Lobby
Opening Reception
Monday, March 27, 2023
6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M
Free and Open to the Public
Rabbi Emeritus Dr. Walter Jacob and his late wife, Irene, established the Biblical Botanical Garden in 1985. It is one of the largest Biblical Gardens in North America. In a setting reminiscent of the Holy Land, the Garden features more than a hundred temperate and tropical plants and a glint of goldfish. Open from June through September, it is free to the public.
Formed in 2001, the Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society is a chapter of the American Society of Botanical Artists. It was organized to provide an educational and social forum for members to improve their artistic skills and botanical knowledge.